
Sen. Murkowski's Education Newsletter for the week of May 10, 2010

The latest Education News you can use in one place.

Grants Update

Promise Neighborhoods:

The Federal Register Notice inviting applications is now online at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-10492.htm.  The deadline to submit an intent-to-apply letter is May 21st.  The application deadline is June 25th.  The purpose of Promise Neighborhoods is to improve significantly the educational and developmental outcomes of children in our most distressed communities (through) a complete through a continuum of cradle-through-college-to-career solutions which have both academic programs and family and community supports.  An eligible applicant is an eligible entity (as defined in this notice) that operates a school or partners, in coordination with the school's LEA, with at least one school in the geographic area proposed to be served in which there are multiple signs of distress based on indicators of need and other relevant indicators.  Examples of signs of distress are low-performing schools (as defined in this notice); significant achievement gaps among the subgroups of students identified in section 1111(b)(3)(C)(xiii) of the ESEA; high dropout rates; significant levels of child poverty; high student mobility rates; high rates of crime, including violent crime; high rates of vacant or substandard homes; and prevalent indicators of poor health, such as asthma, poor nutrition, dental problems, obesity, or avoidable developmental delays (e.g., delays in cognitive, communication, adaptive, physical, and socio-emotional development).  The Notice includes three Absolute Priorities, the third of which is for Promise Neighborhoods in Tribal Communities.

Other Open Grant Competitions

All current USED grant opportunities can be found at: http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/grantapps/index.html?src=rt. These include, but are not limited to:


Scholarships for Middle and High School STEM Teacher Candidates

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Education Scholarships for Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Educational Foundation will offer scholarships of $5,000 to students actively pursuing an undergraduate or graduate education degree for the purpose of teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) subjects at a U.S. middle or secondary school.  At least 35 scholarships will be awarded annually. The scholarships are made possible by a generous contribution from AFCEA International. Additional information is available at http://www.afcea.org/education/scholarships/undergraduate/TeachersScholarship.asp

Applications are due by June 10th