
Sen. Murkowski's Education Newsletter for the week of December 23, 2009

The latest about education issues that impact Alaskans...

Nome Elementary

Sen. Murkowski with Josie Burton's 4th Grade Class in Nome, Alaska

Murkowski with Secretary Duncan

Senator Murkowski with Secretary Duncan

LAM @ Bear Valley Elementary

Sen. Murkowski visits with Bear Valley Elementary Students in Anchorage.

Galena Interior Learning Academy

Sen. Murkowski with students of Galena Interior Learning Academy

Lisa Murkowski acts on her belief that Alaska's educators, parents, and others who care about our state's students deserve to know what is happening in Washington, D.C. and have an opportunity to share their suggestions, questions, concerns, and perspectives with her. Each week, Lisa sends out information that will help inform Alaskans and often asks for their feedback to help inform federal education policymaking. Here is a sampling of recent news.

Using the What Works Clearinghouse

If you would like to know more about what the What Works Clearinghouse does, what products they have available for educators and education policymakers, and how to access and use those products, you may be interested in taking their online tour (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/help/tutorials/tour.asp). Through this online tour, you will learn how the WWC home page, Practice Guides, Intervention Reports, Quick Reviews, and other resources can help you and how you can work with the WWC website to find the information you need.

Federal Agencies Release their Plans for Regulations in 2010

Today, federal departments, including the Department of Education, released their semi-annual agenda for regulations they expect to have under active consideration during the next year (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-28608.pdf). USED's agenda includes regulations on: stimulus funding, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, federal student financial aid, the Higher Education Act, IDEA, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Adult Education, the Rehabilitation Act, and more.

New Federal Student Aid Publications

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid has updated resources intended to help students use federal financial aid to get an education after high school such as:
• College Preparation Checklist www.FederalStudentAid.ed.gov/collprep;
• My Future, My Way: How to Go, How to Pay - College and Career Awareness for Middle School (www.FederalStudentAid.ed.gov/early);
www.College.gov - How education creates more opportunities, how to make it a reality, and why it's easier than you think.
• Counselors and Mentors Handbook www.fsa4counselors.ed.gov; and
• A broad array of information about career planning and career education at http://www.ed.gov/students/prep/job/edpicks.jhtml

How to Request an Earmark for Fiscal Year 2010

The deadline for transmitting requests is February 19, 2010. Requests may be submitted using a web form, which can be accessed from my website using this link. On my website you will find a Frequently Asked Questions section that hopefully provides all the answers you may need. However, please do not hesitate to contact my offices in Alaska or Washington, DC if you need additional assistance. Paper forms will be provided to those without internet access, and I encourage people needing paper forms to request them well in advance of the February 19th deadline.