
Murkowski Memo: Updates from Alaska's Senior Senator

Dear Alaskan,  

Spring is always a busy time for Alaskans as we end the school year, prepare for tourist season, and look forward to longer days. For many, it’s been a challenging time – including those in the YK Delta who are facing significant flooding, coastal communities concerned about the upcoming fishing season, and those in our military community who are mourning the loss of three soldiers stationed at Fort Wainwright. These challenges remind us of the importance of coming together – Alaskans supporting Alaskans.  

Here's a brief recap of some of my activity over the past couple months. From hosting international leaders to strengthen our Arctic posture, visiting the shipyards which are developing the next generation of polar security cutters, and spending time back home with Alaskans across the state—check out this edition of the Murkowski Memo!  

Best, Lisa 


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