
Advancing Initiatives for Alaskans

Keeping Connected

Hello Alaska!

I just returned to Washington D.C. from a brief trip to Anchorage, Eagle River, and the Mat-Su Valley with Senator Sullivan to assess the damage from the 7.0 magnitude earthquake which struck the region on November 30. The words I would use to describe what we saw are gut wrenching, astounding, and remarkable. Gut wrenching, to stand in a school where cinder blocks flew through the walls. Astounding in the sense that in places, the ground literally liquefied, which caused highways to collapse. And remarkable because we know of no one who was seriously injured, despite the extensive damage. While we are still in the early process of impact assessment, we do know there has been significant damage to homes, roads, infrastructure, and schools. I have been assured from our federal partners that Alaskans will have what they need to deal with and recover from this natural disaster. Know that the congressional delegation is on top of this and will do everything we can to assist Alaskans in this road to recovery.