
Your Alaska Link: Bruce's Law, named for late Alaskan, aims to tackle Fentanyl crisis in U.S.

ANCHORAGE (Your Alaska Link) - Bruce's Law is a measure named after an Alaskan, Robert Bruce Snodgrass, who lost his life at the age of 22 to fentanyl poisoning. U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dianne Feinstein have reintroduced Bruce's Law into legislation to help federal efforts and increase education about the dangers of Fentanyl.

 "Bruce's Law is all about education. Bruce's Law is all about letting people know how how truly lethal fentanyl is, that it can poison you. And it is not it is not to be messed with," Sen. Murkowski of Alaska said.

 Bruce's Law would inform people from all across the state.

 "Raise the level of awareness in communities across the country. And so to be able to have an education prevention campaign that is is national in scope is is where we're trying to go with this," Sen. Murkowski said.

 Illicit manufacture of fentanyl looks like many drugs. It is commonly mixed with heroin and methamphetamine and may be into pills that resemble other prescription opioids, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Fentanyl-laced drugs are hazardous since people may not be aware they are taking fentanyl pure.

 "If you are experimenting with drugs, if you're ordering something off Tik Tok or Instagram, you're ordering a drug. There's a 60% chance that that drug will kill you," Michael Troster, executive director of Alaska High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, said.

 One mother in Anchorage knows the heartache of losing a loved one to the drug.

 "I found out I was pregnant with him. There's been nothing more important in my life. Everything in my life surrounded Bruce and being the best mother that I could for him. And I think even though he's passed, I still am trying to be his mother in the best way that I know how," Sandy Snodgrass, mother of Robert Bruce Snodgrass, said.

 Some of the signs of fentanyl overdose include a limp body, falling asleep, losing consciousness or discolored, cold and clammy skin.

By:  La’shawn Donelson
Source: Your Alaska Link