
The Associated Press: Murkowski trumpets GOP chances for 2010

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) _ U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says Republicans have the Democratic Party ``absolutely scrambling.''

Murkowski spoke Saturday to more than 150 people at a Republican fundraiser in Fairbanks, the Fairbanks Republican Women's annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Murkowski a year ago said things looked downright gloomy for the GOP but the shifting national mood gives Republicans a chance at a historic showing at the polls in 2010.

Murkowski says a year of Democratic missteps has given Republicans an opening to reclaim ground as voters send a message to Washington.

She says the bungles include forcing health care reform on an unconvinced public.

The Alaska Republican says that helped emphasize GOP principles of limited government and independence.

Source: Originally published by the Associated Press on February 21, 2010