
Seward City News: 14 days left to comment on FDA Approval of Frankenfish

Some of us may have concerns over going forward with the approval of, and production of genetically modified salmon. Rep. Paul Seaton, of Homer, another Alaska fishing town, offered this information about how you can respond either way to the FDA’s draft environmental assessment and finding of “No Significant Impact”:

On December 26, 2012, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) released this Draft Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Finding of No Significant Impact Concerning a Genetically Engineered Atlantic Salmon: (Click on link above to send your comments)

The Agency has made a preliminary determination of “no significant environmental impact” and has issued their Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).  The public has 60 days from the date of the notice to submit comments in response to the Environmental Assessment.  Senator Lisa Murkowski, along with a handful of other lawmakers, has submitted a request to FDA to allow more time to comment on the application. However, in the event that a request is not granted, comments will only be considered until February 25th, 2013.  Because this is only an Environmental Assessment, and not a full-blown Environmental Impact Statement, public comment is not required in order to grant approval, as the agency has already determined that there would be no significant environmental impact.  If you disagree with the determination, you need to state this in your letter.
