
Must Read Alaska: Murkowski introduces code of conduct bill for Supreme Court

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Sen. Angus King of Maine have introduced the Supreme Court Code of Conduct Act, requiring the Supreme Court to establish a code of conduct that would follow the same ethics guidelines as other federal judges.

 The proposed bill would mandate that the Supreme Court create a code of conduct within one year from the date of enactment and appoint an official to handle any complaints of violations of the code. The official would accept information or complaints from the public alleging violations of the code by a Supreme Court justice, or violations of other federal laws. An annual report would be posted on the Court’s website, describing the information and complaints received, and the actions taken to address any issues.

 “The Supreme Court must demonstrate independence and fairness as they rule on the laws of the land—and any cracks in the public’s confidence will have damaging repercussions for the state of our democracy,” Murkowski said.

 “Americans have made clear their concerns with the transparency — or lack thereof — coming from the Supreme Court and its justices. It is critical the public has full faith that their institutions are functioning, including the judicial branch,” Murkowski said.

By:  Suzanne Downing
Source: Must Read Alaska