
Marianas Variety: Tinian mayor: Thank you Sen. Murkowski

TINIAN Mayor Joey Patrick San Nicolas is grateful to U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for visiting the island and discussing with leaders some of the issues they are facing.

In an interview on Wednesday, the mayor said he has “nothing but praise for the senator who really took time and made an effort to see the situation on Tinian for herself.”

Murkowski arrived on Tinian Tuesday morning with her husband Verne Martell, American Samoa Delegate Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen and Rear Adm. Shoshana Chatfield of Joint Region Marianas. They met with the mayor and other members of the Tinian leadership.

San Nicolas said they were able to discuss a lot of Tinian issues with the senator.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity to be able to meet with the senator and it’s an honor for me. We talked about CW issues, military matters and Tinian’s request for federal assistance. So I am very much pleased with the visit and I am thankful to Senator Murkowski, her husband and Congresswoman Radewagen for taking the time to visit Tinian,” the mayor said.

Regarding the CW issue, the mayor said they told the senator how it affects the people of Tinian and its economy.

“I was very touched when she referred to the comment that I submitted in February. I felt that she not only read it but she understood exactly where the people of Tinian are coming from and you don’t get that kind of attention and understanding every day and so I am very much appreciative of her effort to understand thoroughly how the labor issue affects every single resident in the commonwealth and specifically on Tinian.”

The mayor added, “It’s her first time to visit Tinian and hope it’s not going to be her last. I know she was sincere when she said she is probably the only sitting senator who was born in a territory. She was born in the territory of Alaska which eventually became a state so she knows the challenges that we residents of a territory face as a result of our status and of the decisions being made thousands of miles away that really affect our lives here. I wish her all the best and hope that she will bring back to D.C. all the input she received here and that she will further champion our cause in Congress.”

By:  Cherrie Anne E. Villahermosa
Source: Marianas variety