
KTVF: Murkowski talks Alaskan current events while visiting Fairbanks

While in Fairbanks, Senator Lisa Murkowski visited the Tanana Valley State Fair and gave an update on her current travels and work in Washington D.C. She says September will be a busy month as they work to advance all of their appropriations bills.

"As the chairman of the Interior Appropriations subcommittee, we'll be working on those accounts that relate to the Department of Interior, the EPA, the IHS, the BIA, so we've got a lot of work to do in front of us," said Murkowski.

Before she goes back to work in D.C., Murkowski will be traveling around the state of Alaska and says there will be many guests visiting Alaska this summer. "We'll have the administrator for the EPA who will be here in the Interior so we're gonna have discussions about issues of local concern and of national concerns, like PM 2.5 here, the air quality issue in Fairbanks, as well as the issue of PFAS, the contamination we see in some of our water sources. So these will be an opportunity for Alaskans to share the concerns with some of the folks from the outside."

She says it is a busy time for residents to showcase the opportunities that Alaska has while also sharing some of the challenges.

Murkowski also commented on the recent efforts to recall Governor Dunleavy. "Alaskans are speaking up very loudly about what they believe to be the concerns, in fairness, I share some of the concerns. There are ways that we can work to reduce our budgets, and we must, but we also know that we do it in a manner that allows often times for a transition or smoother path, and this is what our legislature is working to do which I think is an important part of it," said Murkowski.

Murkowski says she is working at the federal level to partner with the state to work through some of the issues Alaska is currently facing.

By:  Sara Tewksbury
Source: KTVF