
KTUU (NBC): Health care bill will raise small businesses' costs, Murkowski says

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- While Sen. Mark Begich says the recently passed health care reform bill will move Alaskans forward, Sen. Lisa Murkowski says her constituents are upset about the health care legislation.

She says the bill will impact small businesses negatively, and efforts to employ additional people and expand business will be slowed by additional costs.

"When you have costs that are associated with the employer mandate, it's going to shift to the workers in the form of lower wages, fewer jobs and more part-time jobs at the expense of full-time jobs," Murkowski said. "And that's the reality that we're going to be facing here in Alaska, along with the rest of the country."

Murkowski voted no on the health care bill

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Source: By Channel 2 News staff. Originally published March 28, 2010