
KSRM Radio: Senators React to State of the Union Address

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski felt President Barack Obama connected on a few of the issues important to everyone with his State of the Union speech on Wednesday night. Some of those issues involved jobs, the strength of the economy and spending.

However, she was concerned that the President still supports the current health care reform bill. She had hoped that the President would ask Congress to go back to the drawing board with the health care reform issue. Senator Murkowski was pleased that President Obama addressed the use of nuclear energy and offshore exploration.

Meanwhile, U.S. Senator Mark Begich felt President Obama struck the right tone with his speech. Begich was happy that the president did focus on job creation through most of the speech. Senator Begich said he was also pleased with the President's comments about energy independence and clean energy. Begich also praised the President for tackling run-away federal spending. He feels a freeze on some federal spending will be painful but necessary as the country enacts other reforms, including health care.

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Source: By Joe Nicks. Originally broadcast by KSRM on January 28, 2010