
KSRM Radio: Murkowski Glad to See Review of Subsistence in Alaska

Last week, U.S. Senator Murkowski spoke in front of the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention on the same day that it was announced that there would be a federal review of rural subsistence in Alaska. She told the Alaska Federation of Natives that it is appropriate for the federal government to look at the issue of rural subsistence. According to Senator Murkowski, the Department of the Interior and Congress needs to get to the bottom of why the subsistence management system is not working.

She wants this conversation to proceed in a more constructive manner than it did in the 1990's. She said the last discussion nearly tore the state of Alaska apart.

She said that she wants to hear from Alaskans on this issue.

Source: By Joe Nicks. Originally broadcast by KSRM on October 26, 2009