
KITV4: Schatz introduces legislature to help Defense Dept. take on child pornography

U.S. Senators Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) re-introduced bipartisan legislation that would help the Pentagon stop the use of the Defense Department's network to possess, procure and even produce child pornography.

The measure, End National Defense (END) Network Abuse Act is said to give military leaders tools needed to get rid of child pornography on DoD's network, go after offenders and protect children.

“The widespread abuse of the Department of Defense’s network to traffic child pornography must be stopped,” said Senator Schatz.

Senator Murkowski says that military services do not currently have adequate investigative training and resources to police the trading of child pornography on its computer networks.

"We must ensure that military investigators have the proper tools to identify and apprehend these offenders, otherwise both civilian and military children within our communities will be left vulnerable,” said Senator Murkowski.

In 2017, child pornography activity was found among nearly 5,000 IP addresses within the DoD.

In 2018, DoD’s network ranked 19th out of 2,891 networks nationwide when it came to peer-to-peer file trading of child pornography.

The new measure would upgrade the training and technical capacity of military criminal investigative organizations to confront the misuse of DoD computers, facilities, and equipment to access and trade child pornography.

Source: KITV4