
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Murkowski authors bill to improve apprenticeship programs

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has introduced a bill aimed at improving apprenticeship programs in the United States.

“Workforce shortages continue to have a significant impact on Alaskan communities and businesses — and the inability of apprenticeship funding to be used for unique needs such as transportation and housing for students — only exacerbates that issue,” Murkowski said in a news release.

The National Apprenticeship Act of 2023, authored by Murkowski and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), would give resources for businesses to create their own apprenticeship programs and encourage new programs in the areas of cybersecurity, manufacturing, computer science, clean energy and information technology. The new bill would also improve childcare, transportation and housing services for would-be apprenticeship applicants.

People who complete a registered apprenticeship program have a 93% chance of landing a job after, according to the US Department of Labor. The average salary of those who complete apprenticeship programs is $77,000.

“Registered apprenticeship is the path to good paying jobs, with benefits and a voice on the job,” Joelle Hall, president of the Alaska American Association of Labor said in a release.

By:  Carter DeJong
Source: Fairbanks Daily News Miner