
Dover Post: Coons, Braun welcome new members to Senate Climate Solutions Caucus

Sens. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, and Mike Braun, R-Indiana, announced Feb. 6 that four additional members will join the bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus — Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Florida; Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan; Susan Collins, R-Maine; and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin.

The caucus brings together an equal number of Republicans and Democrats to craft and advance bipartisan solutions to address the changing climate.

“I am excited to announce the addition of four new colleagues to the Climate Solutions Caucus who will bring important perspectives and diverse experiences to the group,” said Coons. “We look forward to continuing the discussion on bipartisan solutions and engaging with leaders from the business community, state and local governments, workers and advocates across the country who are identifying meaningful ways to address climate change and strengthen American competitiveness.”

In addition to Coons and Bruan, the new members join Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire; Mitt Romney, R-Utah; Angus King, I-Maine; Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina; and Michael Bennet, D-Colorado.

The Senate Climate Solutions Caucus promotes bipartisan discussion about climate policy and advocates for Congress to play a central role in addressing the challenge. Since launching in late 2019, the caucus has held regular meetings with members and staff, including with Microsoft founder Bill Gates and with CEOs who are members of the CEO Climate Dialogue. In the coming weeks, the caucus will hold meetings with executives from Fortune 500 companies who are members of the Climate Leadership Council, representatives from the Global CCS Institute, member companies of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ambassadors and leaders from a variety of faith traditions to discuss their concerns and priorities for federal climate policy and opportunities for collaboration.

Source: Dover Post