
Daily Energy Insider: Bill seeks to boost nuclear innovation, reliability

A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced last week a measure designed to boost nuclear energy innovation while ensuring advanced reactors provide clean, safe, affordable and reliable power.

The Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA) seeks to help re-establish leadership in nuclear energy by launching public-private partnerships between the federal government, leading research institutions and the best industry innovators. NELA was introduced by Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Cory Booker (D-NJ), James Risch, (R-ID), Shelley Moore Capito, (R-WV), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Chris Coons (D-DE).

“Nuclear power provides clean, safe, efficient, flexible, and reliable power to American families and businesses, but we have only scratched the surface of its immense potential,” Murkowski said. “Our bipartisan bill will help rejuvenate the U.S. nuclear industry by providing the tools, resources, and partnerships necessary to drive innovation in advanced reactors. I thank my colleagues for joining me in sponsoring this timely measure to create American jobs and restore our global leadership on nuclear technologies.”

Booker said addressing the threat of climate change requires the nation to lead in the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies.

“This bipartisan bill will help accelerate energy innovation and support the start-up companies here in the U.S. that are investing billions of dollars into these next-generation reactor designs,” Booker said.

Sections covered in the legislation include Authorization of Long-Term Power Purchase Agreements; the Long-Term Nuclear Power Purchase Agreement Pilot Program; Advanced Nuclear Reactor Research and Development Goals; and the Nuclear Energy Strategic Plan.

By:  Douglas Clark
Source: Daily Energy Insider