
Alaska Public Media: Sen. Murkowski calls on Trump administration to begin ‘full and formal transition’

While President Trump still refuses to concede the election, Sen. Lisa Murkowski says it’s time to begin the transition process.

“President Trump has had the opportunity to litigate his claims, and the courts have thus far found them without merit,” she said in a statement issued yesterday.

She called his pressure campaign on state legislators to influence the outcome “inconsistent with our democratic process.”

Twenty percent of Senate Republicans have publicly acknowledged Democrat Joe Biden won the election, according to USA Today’s list. Others, like Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, have been less explicit. Sullivan has said Trump’s legal challenges should be allowed to play out.

A smaller percentage of House Republicans have recognized Biden’s win, but Alaska Congressman Don Young is among them. He and Murkowski issued statements within days of the Nov. 3 election saying they wished the president-elect well.

By:  Liz Ruskin
Source: Alaska Public Media